There is no substitute for playing, unless youre watching, watching is always the best way to learn.
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By watching others play or react in a sport or an activity, we gain a fundamental understanding on how something is done.
Books on the other hand show you how to do something through instruction, but they are no substitute for live action.
Spectator learning is a vital component of what is best described as basic knowledge.
When presented with a new product or a new game, the immediate reaction is to read the instructions, unfortunately instructions are not always as clear as they could be, and the results reflect this, just look at flat pack furniture.
Of course teaching methods have moved on from the school blackboard and there are thousands of examples of how to do this and how to do that for every Conceivable product on the market today, but somehow there not the same as being there.
Can a game on the TV create the same atmosphere as being there, no it cant.
Even in a game of backgammon players can appreciate the game more, from watching, this also includes those who watch online. Through watching a game being played from the sidelines beginners and those who play regularly discover first hand, the moves that should or should not be played, moves that illustrate why that particular tactic or provoke questions.
Watching games develop is invaluable and provides a better understanding of the way the game is played, books and instruction CDs are great as tools but they cant provide the eyes to the game, simply by watching you are plugging in to the psyche of the players, you place yourself in their seats, mentally moving the pieces to the positions that you feel they should move to, but powerless to do anything about it.
It is this sort of mental practice that allows you to develop your own moves, that allows you the possibility to be able to predict three or maybe four moves ahead what your opponent might or might not do. Only by watching others can you gain the know how to take it onto the board when you play.
In watching others play you take from them what you need and use it for yourself.
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