How to Score Big in Backgammon

The matter of how you score would depend greatly on what you are playing for, in the case of money then it is likely that the players involved will try to score high, by producing elements to their game such as the doubling cube. Fun game players tend to not use the doubling cube and can nominate not to use it at all if they wish. If you do opt to use the doubling cube you must announce this at the start of play, the doubling cube is a recent introduction, it was never a part of the ancient game, but has found popularity in the modern game both on and offline.

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The double cube is assort of meter to the game a way that you can a record of how the doubling process is going, remember you arte doubling so two and two makes four and four etc right through to 64 combination, but that is a very rare occurrence.

Doubling is never necessary only when the player believes he can gain a big hold on the game by employing it. And why is this, because it is essentially the turning point in a game, if it is offered and refused the game is lost or ceded to the person who offered the double, with all points scored forfeited.

You can?t double twice in arrow, you must wait until the opposition doubles, .then the doubling cube is passed back and forth only at the option of the losing player.

This elimination process provides the climax to the game, where the term gammoned comes into the game, this means that during the game the opposition has not borne off or got rid of one of his pieces i.e.: ‘gammoned’. The winner can now double the number of points he would have received for winning the game (taking into account the doubling cube as well).

Should the gammoned loser still have a piece on the bar, this is a gammon plus point and he is then back gammoned meaning the winner trebles his winnings. That is why though risky doubling is a very exciting element to any game but be careful how you use it.

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