Has Online Gambling Reached Its Peak ?

The short answer is no, of course it hasn’t. Yes, the air may have been taken out a little with the events of recent days including the arrest of Scotsman and Chief Executive of BetonSports David Carutthers, for potential tax evasion and fraud, but the bubble is still bouncing along nicely thank you. In fact no noticeable change has affected the gamblers on site, the most significant losses came from stock investors who saw their lucrative earnings being eroded fairly rapidly, once the arrests were made, with the tremors of ‘whose next’ rumbling down the corridors of speculation.

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Much of this has political overtones with Republic and Democrats in the States fighting over strategic votes; particular in places where the very word gambling is sacrosanct as in the bible belt of the USA Carruthers was one of a small lobby of people who campaigned to make online gambling legal. At the moment is it is not legal to gamble in the USA online. Although the definition is also not clear as the internet is a new animal whose identity came into effect after the present wire less law was passed in1961, this being the case there is clear distinct precedent established for internet gambling, that one can underline in law.

Because how can you draw up a tax bill claiming so many billions of dollars for unpaid tax, when the activity is in itself not ratified as legal. Gambling organisations find themselves in the ultimate Catch 22 as they cannot pay tax on an activity considered illegal. Of course if the online games were to become legal, then the Tax man can look forward to a windfall of gigantic proportions.

Poker has always been the gambling man’s stable diet, but backgammon has become so popular of late that it is competing almost on a 1-1 basis for attention, look around and see how many sites share poker with backgammon, these days, online casinos are joining the backgammon surge and offering these games not only as fun elements but also for gambling, together with the more celebrated pure backgammon site such as www.play65.com and its subsidiaries.

This has meant that legislation that has previously been agreed in law that backgammon is a game of skill and not a game of chance may also need amending should the game be successfully adapted for the USA market, another lengthy process and more riches for the lawyers. Either way the current laws are in need of being carefully revised, a law that was made over forty years ago has no relevance in the virtual world of online gaming, cannot be held up as correct, if progress has moved on.

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