Entering the Backgammon End Game

If you look at the different phases of a backgammon game, the climax of the game is undoubtedly the most challenging. Granted you have perfected your starting and middle game strategy, now you need to put them all into place, in what is lovingly described as the ‘End Game’. Which is essentially a Race, and like any race it too has a strategy, depending on how you run it.

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First your stance needs to be correct. If you are going to come out of the blocks sprinting then you need to be able to maintain the pace, if you prefer to conserve your energy, till the finishing straight you need to be sure you don’t get boxed in. These two athletic analogies can be easily seen within the framework of the ‘End Game’.

Above all when and how you make your move will depend on how well you time it. Your opponent rolls the dice; you are even in the race. You guess it could take both of you about three rolls to get all of your pieces into safety. What now?

With two checkers in your opponent’s 11-point, you can be patient and wait there until you can move to safety; or you could hit. This way you can make the move to force your opposition to break his outer board point first. If you’re ahead by at least half a roll, now is the time to race. If behind, hit your opponent and take the lead.

The race is now on, so start bearing checkers off until all of your pieces are in your inner board, as quickly as possible. If this requires you to stack them on your 6-point. Stack them! Then take the chance to capitalize on double 6s, 5s and 6-5s once all your pieces are in the home zone.

Without sacrificing speed, try to get your checkers in evenly, try the same play for getting your pieces into your inner board as you do for bearing checkers off, when you are interlocked or in a straight race.

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