With the advent of the online backgammon phenomenon reaching its peak, it is sometimes easy to forget that there is a world of players out there who prefer the feel of wood to the click of a mouse. Even most of the competitions held today at various places around the world are conducted traditionally with players sitting face-to-face to decide upon the title. The ratio of online games through the Internet is growing but it still is much less than the off line tournaments. Perhaps much of this can be attributed to the design of the game itself. Its traditions and cultures have passed through the centuries almost without any changes.
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History has witnessed Oak and Mahogany as the key component for manufacturing the backgammon board, to encompass the elegance and royal image the game of backgammon has held in the past. Modern leather boards are in use now, flexible enough for folding for the convenience of traveling. On many train journeys backgammon boards are replacing the railway companions pack of cards.
The backgammon board is printed or designed for a table, witness the huge permanent backgammon boards found in India at the time of the Mughal emperors.
The gampack contains one dice cup, two dice, one doubling cube, 30 checkers as well as a rulebook. A closer look at the board will show you 24 triangles with a ridge bar partitioning the board in the middle. One needs to ensure that the triangles are properly placed on both the sides. these triangles are called points. The number of points starting from 1 to the nearest lower right corner of yours and ending up with 24 at the top left corner on the rear side.
The checkers are sometimes referred to as men, or stones, or tiles etc. The dice cube will contain the dots representing 1 to 6. The rounded corners of the dices allow smooth rolling. The ridge partition is called the bar. One must ensure that all the marks of the doubling cube are clearly visible. The board closest to you, is called the home board and that of the opponent the away board.
The checkers are of different colours, white and black like on the chessboard. You need to check that the checkers of each colour counts up to 15. The board needs to be clearly divided into the 4 quadrants. You need to check the dice cup make sure it is shallow with an open surface. Shake the dice vigorously inside the dice cup before throwing onto the board. Always place the board on a smooth flat surface Any leaning or tilting can give one player a significant advantage over the others while rolling the dice.
Now with your game displayed in front of you try arranging the pieces on the board. Place five checkers on 6 point, three on the 8-point, five on 13 point and the balance on the 24-point. The colours may be mutually decided upon or even the dice can be used. The first role must be determined by the throw of a single dice by each player highest goes first. Follow the rules and start! If you want to try before you buy a backgammon set we recommend www.play65.com as a great online test site for you to play online, with a free download of the game available.
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