Most people think that poker, either poker generally or online poker, is all about the cards. However, the only way to really win the game, is to out-think your opponent. A good bluff can often be more helpful then the best hand in the world, but does you no good if used at the wrong time. Poker has become extremely popular in eastern Europe recently, having spread from the western continent across the ocean a while ago. Check out for more info.
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Bluffing is an extremely important skill to learn, if you intend to play poker at all well. If you don’t know how to bluff, you will quickly lose out to players that do. However, you need to watch out- some people become addicted to bluffing when they first learn it, and end up bluffing too much and giving the game away. As soon as other players realize that you are often bluffing, they will start to call you on it, and then you’ll have no chance. Thus it is very important to use self control, and limit your bluffing. Poker online is a little different, of course, and is becoming increasingly popular. Because at an online poker table, you cannot actually see your opponents, they may well be quite different from what you would expect.
For those first starting out, the variety of poker games can be a bit daunting. Luckily, there is one game (Texas Holdem) which is essentially the standard. So if you learn this, then you will be able to play with most people you meet. Better then this, it can be learnt in just a few minutes, although it takes years to master fully. So you can learn the rules, start playing, and be reasonably good in only a few hours practice. The most important thing to remember is that there are only two cards of yours that your opponent cannot see. You have to decide if you stay in right off, which is a pretty big decision to make with only two cards in hand. You can check out some advice and probabilities at, which may help you out. And of course, if you need to practice, you can play free poker online at several different sites including
Playing Texas Holdem
1. One of the players is the dealer, and he has a marker (the dealer marker) in from of him. With each game the dealer changes, and the marker moves.
2. Use a normal deck of 52 cards.
3. To start the game, the dealer gives each player two cards face down- these are the hole cards.
4. When it’s your turn you can choose to call, raise or fold.
5. Bet amounts differ by the type of game that is being played.
6. Once everyone has finished betting, the dealer burns one card and flips over three others, called the flop.
7. There is another round of betting.
8. The dealer burns another card, and flips the turn card onto the table.
9. Another round of betting ensues, beginning with the player to the dealers left.
10. The dealer burns a final card and flips over the last card, called the river.
11. The players now try and make the best poker hand they can, using only their hole cards and the five on the table. You can find a list of possible hands at Note that the hands can be no more then 5 cards.
12. Everyone has another chance to bet.
13. Anyone still in the game reveals their hand.
14. Whoever has the best hand, is the winner. If the top two hands are the same, then they share the prize.
Steve Young is a professional poker player, who now provides expert advice on poker. Click here to visit his texas holdem web site.
US Players: Bovada Casino, Poker and Betting - $3750 Total Bonus - Click here..